I led my reading facilitation today which I thought was sub-par. In my layout I thought it would go well but the execution was not as smooth as I had hoped. The activities felt a bit forced and I think I was a bit wishy-washy with them. This will be something I will have to work on.

It was very interesting seeing one of the students final presentations tonight. I thought her power point was excellent and it was a good experience to hear about her year and all that she had learned and where she wants to go. This got me thinking of my own pedagogy. I am struggling with my outline tonight. I am recognizing
that I usually struggle with expressing these types of things, I feel much more comfortable in the concreteness of research, facts, methods, etc. This is good for me as an educator though, to really connect with why EE is important to me and what values I want to exude and pass on through my lessons. I have been running circles in my mind all night and am going to take a break before tackling it again.
I know this whole year will push me and I am excited about feeling a bit uncomfortable with some of the things to come. Sounds funny but its true. I am excited to push myself and really connect with more of my values when it comes to EE.
The pedagogy often pushes one to a place of unease but then after reflection and work on the piece you will gain clarity and comfort with your belief statements. It is commendable that you are looking forward to taking risks and learning more about EE. Your insights here are refreshing. Thank you.